Monday, March 11

Barcelone Part 1

 Barcelona is a brazen kaleidoscope of a city,
Everywhere there are bright ruptures of color,
 and the colors of  España somehow incorporate their way
into it's incredible food and character.
The language is just as beautiful as french but in an absolutely different way.
If both languages were the color red,
 french would be some deep shade of  lip rouge on a tuesday,
and spanish would be a zesty crimson-orange tomato on a saturday.
I'll be posting on Barcelona twice because of all the photos I can't choose from.


  1. So amazing pictures! When I saw your photos, i want to travel to Barcelona (:

  2. Just amazing!!! LOVE to see my city in analogic ^^

  3. wonderful! what an adventure ♥

  4. I've been in Barcelona 4 years ago and your pictures brought me sweet memories*

  5. love how you describe things
