Wednesday, August 31

I love this time of year, it is my favorite.
all hazy and sad and bittersweet.
one last stretch before our hibernation.
here are some bits from this time last year.

Monday, August 29

images from my stay in new york city.
I could never live there,
it's pace is too quick for me, I often become lost in it's erratic heartbeat.
but it is lovely to visit.

Saturday, August 27

jonathan and I spent a few days together in maine recently.
most of the time it rained,
and when it did, it was perfect,
and when it didn't, it was perfect.
Before I would fall asleep I would hear it patter on the window,
and would dream thereafter of little men in raincoats,
chasing some storm out to sea,
catching passing dreams by reeling in lobster nets.
the ocean is so intense on that part of the coast.
I cannot begin to describe how enamoured with it I have become.
it is deep, and frighteningly lovely, and hides an entire wonderland of life beneath its surface.
not so unlike myself, jonathan says.
but I could never be a thing so incredible.

Wednesday, August 24

my photo goals for the fall:

1. purchase a lovely medium format camera tlr, such as this beautiful fellow.

2. create and publish my own photo book.

3. open an online print shop for my photographs. (if anyone uses etsy or anything like that
     I would absolutely adore some feedback on your experience).

4. send my zenit b to the doctor (she has a light leak and her shutter speeds are acting funny).

5. make a stop motion.

on another note, here are some bits from maine.

Sunday, August 21

shooting digitally usually bothers me quite a bit
but i've been editing my film photos from my travels for a
couple of days now and needed a break today, so I took these
bits, inspired by the sense of adventure that has been beached
in my heart since I have gotten home.

my dream
is to see all the world and it's people.
(every fiber.)

Tuesday, August 9

a few images on 120 film from my diana. I love how unpredictable lomography is.
its somewhat liberating,
these mishaps.
little scratches and burns
like my knees, these photographs are charred and imperfect.
but they tell more of a story that way
at least that is my belief.

Tuesday, August 2

more from this weekend's shoot, on my minolta with 25 speed film.
I was nervous about shooting on film that slow, but the colors turned out completely decadent.